[Showbiz Korea] ONEW(온유) & XIUMIN(시유민)! 'The Return(귀환)' is about bring back the remains of soldiers

2019-10-08 1

The Return

The ROK Army musical titled "Shinheung Military Academy" was very popular with its solid storyline and it drew over 110,000 people to theaters. Now, the ROK Army is presenting a new musical titled "The Return" so we'll take you to the press conference right now.

뮤지컬 [귀환] 제작발표회

탄탄한 스토리로 11만 관객을 동원하며 흥행에 성공한 육군 창작 뮤지컬 '신흥무관학교' 이후, 두 번째로 선보이게 된 뮤지컬 '귀환'의 제작발표회 현장으로 떠나보겠습니다!